Archive for January, 2023

Chickahominy Multipurpose Room – Sonora® Wall and Ceiling Panels

With multi-function rooms, there are usually a wide range of events being held in the same space. It could be full of kids playing games, dancing and music, or large important meetings. A balance can often be struck, making the room lively enough for the music and games, but tame enough for the speech intelligibility needed for the important meetings.

This particular space took advantage of the expansive ceiling with the use of direct mounted Sonora® Panels – which helped reduce the low-frequency buildup between the ceiling and the floor. Then some carefully-placed, wall-mounted Sonora® Panels were used to reduce the reflections bouncing off the walls. These panels were spread out in clusters along the walls to help reduce troublesome reflections, and tame the flutter from the long parallel walls.

The end result turned out great and all were pleased.

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